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Benefits of Fasting Diet for Weight Loss

Fasting diet is a term for applying diet by regulating the cycle between the fasting period and mealtime. This fasting diet does not emphasize what foods you eat, but rather emphasizes the time or when you eat. In Indonesia, fasting is closely related to religious rituals. But actually fasting is also known as one of the recommended eating patterns in the world of health. Fasting (intermittent fasting) has many benefits, such as losing weight, improving body health and becoming part of a healthy lifestyle.

Guide to Undergo Fasting Diet

Following a fasting diet has many different versions. The practice of fasting in general is that on a certain day it must drastically reduce calories. Fasting diets have several different methods. Here are some of the most popular fasting diet methods:
  • 5: 2 diet method

  • This method you can run by choosing 5 normal meals a week, while in the other 2 days you only eat 500-600 calories. It is not recommended to choose 2 days in a row to limit food or fasting. The recommended example, you can choose fasting on Monday and Thursday, the rest you are free to eat as usual on the other 5 days, as long as it's not excessive. Keep adjusting the size of the meal with the daily calorie needs.
  • Method 16/8

  • This method you can run with 8 hours of normal eating per day, while in the next 16 hours you have to fast by not eating. For example, start eating for 8 hours from morning to evening, then at night fasting and not eating at all until tomorrow morning.
  • Eat-Stop-Eat Method

  • This method you can run by fasting for 24 hours for one or two times a week. For example, you fast do not eat on Monday for 24 hours, then on Tuesday and Wednesday you eat as usual, then on Thursday you can fast again for 24 hours.
Fasting is done related to religious rituals, of course, has its own rules. But, fasting diets in general still allow you to drink fluids without calories such as water, coffee, or tea (without the addition of milk, cream, or sugar) to help reduce hunger. Because, in the fasting diet that is reduced is calorie intake, especially from food. By following this fasting diet method, research shows evidence of effective weight loss.

The Condition of Someone Who Is Not Permitted Fasting Diet

Not everyone can go on a fasting diet, especially because of health conditions. One condition that is not recommended for a fasting diet is someone who is underweight or has a history of eating disorders. In addition, other conditions that are not permitted for fasting diets include:
  • Having diabetes or impaired blood sugar mechanism.
  • Have low blood pressure.
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Currently taking medication.
  • Women who have menstrual disorders.
Fasting diets are also not permitted for women who are having problems with fertility or are trying to get pregnant. One thing to note from the fasting diet is food consumed after breaking the fast. Many choose foods high in fat or high in calories, because they feel they don't have to limit the type of food when they are not fasting. Though the principle of success of this diet is actually the same as other types of diets to lose weight, namely calorie deficits. This means that you need to regulate so that calorie intake is less than the number of calories burned. Fasting diet should be consulted with a doctor first, especially if you have special health conditions. This is important so that doctors can provide instructions for a safe fasting diet, and information about proper food choices.
